The Chapel of St. John the Baptist in the Plungė graveyard, also known as the Chapel of All Saints or the Chapel of Zubov, is a Catholic chapel standing in the old cemetery of Plungė. The stone chapel of the romantic classicism style, as the old inhabitants of Plungė claim, was built by local craftsmen in 1858 from the funds of Count Zubov and parishioners. When Count Zubov was preparing to build a chapel, he sent a mason, a tinker and a carpenter to Prussia to learn crafts. The chapel as a burial place was used not only for the Zubov's family members, the neighborhood nobles were also buried there. The remaining memorial plates with records testify the fact that in the second part of the 19th century Lešcevskiai, Vaitkevičiai, Moikovskiai were buried in the chapel basements; whereas other plates did not remain. For a long time in the Soviet period, the chapel was unattended and unprotected, the cellar was torn down, and the remains of buried people were desecrated.
This chapel had a bell, dipped in 1863. During the First World War he was hidden in order not to be molten for weapons, and later he was transferred to the bell tower of Plungė's Church. His present location is unknown.
The last religion ceremony took place here in 1934, after which the chapel ceased to function and was gradually abandoned.
Current three altars of the chapel were brought from Pakutuvėnai, from a Church of the St. Antanas Padavietis in 1996. They belonged to the Church of Plungė, but were lent to the Pakutuvėnai church at the end of its constructions in 1943.